Figure 1. Mechanical Pain Defects Do Not Arise from DRG or Brain.
(A) Cartoon of AvilCre mice showing Cre (red) is restricted to primary afferents.
(B) All DRG neurons express tomato in lsl-tdTom;AvilCre mice.
(C) VGLUT3-IR is not detected in primary afferents (arrows) of VGLUT3fl/fl;AvilCre in the adult.
(D) Paw withdrawal thresholds (PWT) of VGLUT3fl/fl;AvilCre mice do not differ from control mice after carrageenan (n=12 both groups) or SNI (n=7 and n=9 respectively). Randall-Selitto thresholds also do not differ from controls (n=8 and n=6 respectively).
(E) Cartoon of Hoxb8Cre mice showing Cre (red) is expressed by spinal cord and DRG neurons, but not brain.
(F) VGLUT3fl/fl;Hoxb8Cre mice lack VGLUT3-IR in the dorsal horn at p10.
(G) VGLUT3-IR is still present in the striatum of VGLUT3fl/fl;Hoxb8Cre mice.
(H) PWTs of VGLUT3fl/fl;Hoxb8Cre mice are significantly greater than controls after carrageenan (n=11 and n=9 respectively) and SNI (n=9 and n=4 respectively). Randall-Selitto thresholds are also significantly elevated compared to controls (n=9 and n=7).
(I) Cartoon of KRT14Cre mice showing Cre (red) is restricted to keratinocytes and Merkel cells.
(J) As expected, tomato and the Merkel cell marker TROMA1-IR co-localize (arrowhead) in hindpaw glabrous skin of lsl-tdTom;KRT14Cre mice.
(K) Tomato and TROMA1-IR also co-localize (arrowheads) in hindpaw glabrous skin of lsl-tdTom;VGLUT3Cre mice.
(L) PWTs do not differ between VGLUT3fl/fl;KRT14Cre and control mice before or after carrageenan (n=10 and n=6 respectively) or SNI (n=3 both groups). Randall-Selitto thresholds also do not differ (n=7 and n=6 respectively).
All scale bars = 100 μm except in G (50 μm). Data are mean ± SEM. *p < 0.05, **p ≤ 0.01, ***p ≤ 0.001.