Figure 5. Silencing of BC088414 promoted proliferation and suppressed apoptosis in OGD treated PC12 cells.
(A) Morphological observation of cell growth state. Following OGD, the numbers of PC 12 cells were reduced. Compared with Blank and NC groups, the number of living cells in siRNA group was increased. (B) CCK8 cell proliferation assay in PC 12 cells. The cell viability of PC12 cells was decreased after OGD. SiRNA transfection induced higher growth rate compared to Blank and NC. (C,D) TUNEL staining in PC12 cells. The apoptosis cells were increased after OGD. Knockdown of BC088414 in PC12 cells reduced apoptosis induced by OGD. Arrows shows positive staining cells. *P < 0.05 versus Blank group. Blank: non-transfected group; NC: nonsense siRNA transfected group; siRNA: siRNA transfected PC12 cells; N: normoxia; OGD: oxygen and glucose deprivation.