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. 2015 Sep 9;5:13911. doi: 10.1038/srep13911

Table 2. List of differentially expressed proteins of P. indica co-cultured with A. chroococcum M4, as determined by 2-DE and MALDI-TOF/MS.

Spot Noa Spot identifier number b Protein name (Accession No)c Organismd Scoree MW/PIf Sequence Coverage (%)g No of peptides matchedh Role in biological process P valuei Fold changej
17Fc 334 Hypothetical protein PIIN_05768 _gi|353239942 P. indica 31 36.860/9.65 8.0 4 A nickel dependent regulatory enzyme involved in recycling of urea. 1.079e-005 2.9 ↓
18Fc 320 u3 small nucleolar RNA-associated protein 11_ gi|299756136 C. cinerea 25 39.845/9.30 4.1 3 Probably function as small nucleolar ribonucleoproteins in pre-ribosomal RNA processing reactions or in other biological function. 3.589e-004 1.5 ↓
19Fc 341 related to RTM1 protein_gi|353241549 P. indica 37 33.056/10.0 9.5 2 Provide immunity and resistance to the fungus againstenvironmental cytotoxic compounds. 1.306e-007 5.1 ↓
21Fc 292 Probable ENO1-enolase I (2-phosphoglycerate dehydratase )_gi|353244894 P. indica 98 43.573/5.3 23.7 6 Key regulatory enzyme that participates in glycolytic pathway for generating reducing powers for ATP synthesis. 2.505e-004 3.0 ↓
4M 452 hypothetical protein PIIN_04261_ gi|353238374 P. indica 20 22.836/9.10 15.2 2 NA 0.141 1.9*
5M 422 G protein alpha-subunit _ gi|170108471 Laccaria bicolor 68 8.129/4.6 47.8 3 GTP binding protein,probably involved in signaling for cell growth. 0.235 1.5*
12M 331 predicted protein_ gi|170098885 Laccaria bicolor 53 33.900/6.1 17.5 3 NA 0.133 1.3*
13Mu 309 predicted protein _gi|170085531 Laccaria bicolor 25 36.625/10.1 4.2 3 NA 7.660e-006 1.5 ↑
20Mu 301 Hypothetical protein PIIN_01661_ gi|353235830 P. indica 58 39.858/10.0 20.0 3 Mitotic chromosome segregation. 0.005 1.3 ↑
22Mu 210 Hypothetical protein PIIN_01521_ gi|353235685 P. indica 49 44.690/5.8 10.4 3 Involved in the process of signaling path way that regulate cell division. 0.001 1.5 ↑
23M 198 Hypothetical protein PIIN_03309 _gi|353237436 P. indica 45 57.965/6.80 11.4 3 NA 0.466 1.5*

aSpot numbers refer to the numbers on the 2DE gels shown in Fig. 5A,C.

bProtein spot identifier number according to the progenesis.

cProtein accession number according to the MASCOT software.

d,e,f,g,hName of the organism, score, theoretical MW/PI, sequence coverage, no of peptides matched according to the MASCOT software.

eP value according to progenesis samespots analysis.

fProtein fold change according to the 2D-PAGE analysis of progenesis samespots analysis software shown in Fig. S3. ‘Fc’ represents Fungus control, ‘Mu’ represents upregulated and Md represents downregulated fungus treated with M4. ‘↑’ and ‘↓’ Represents up and down regulation. *Represents no significant changes in the fold level.