Table 1.
Participant Characteristics by Delivery Status (n (Weighted Column Percent)), Pregnancy Outcomes and Community Health Study, 1998–2004
Term (n=988) |
sPTD (n=221) |
Mi PTD (n=100) |
Chi-squared p-value* |
Race | ||||
White/Other | 553 (76.4) | 148 (66.3) | 71 (68.9) | <0.001 |
African-American | 435 (23.6) | 73 (33.7) | 29 (31.1) | |
Paritya | ||||
Nulliparous | 409 (41.0) | 101 (46.5) | 38 (37.9) | 0.27 |
Parous | 579 (59.0) | 119 (53.5) | 62 (62.1) | |
Living Arrangementb | ||||
Live alone | 351 (26.5) | 70 (32.6) | 27 (27.0) | 0.17 |
Live with partner/spouse | 636 (73.5) | 149 (67.4) | 73 (73.0) | |
Medicaid | ||||
Yes | 558 (48.2) | 129 (58.4) | 52 (51.9) | 0.02 |
Age | ||||
≤19 years | 151 (12.4) | 35 (16.5) | 12 (11.6) | |
20–29 years | 572 (57.6) | 125 (56.9) | 60 (59.8) | 0.52 |
≥30 years | 265 (30.0) | 61 (26.6) | 28 (28.6) | |
Education | ||||
< High School | 223 (18.4) | 51 (23.6) | 24 (25.3) | |
High School | 277 (26.9) | 66 (30.0) | 28 (27.5) | 0.09 |
> High School | 488 (54.8) | 104 (46.4) | 48 (47.2) | |
Pre-pregnancy BMI | ||||
≤18.4 kg/m2 | 44 (3.6) | 14 (6.8) | 3 (2.7) | |
18.5–24.9 kg/m2 | 439 (46.9) | 107 (47.9) | 40 (41.4) | 0.17 |
25–29.9 kg/m2 | 226 (23.3) | 44 (20.5) | 20 (20.6) | |
≥30 kg/m2 | 279 (26.1) | 56 (24.8) | 37 (35.4) | |
Smoking in pregnancy | ||||
Yes | 274 (27.2) | 67 (30.9) | 28 (26.2) | 0.52 |
Gestational Diabetes | ||||
Yes | 46 (5.5) | 12 (4.7) | 7 (6.6) | 0.81 |
Hypertension | ||||
None | 901 (91.1) | 205 (92.8) | 59 (58.0) | |
PE/Gestational Hypertension | 56 (5.8) | 4 (1.9) | 32 (33.5) | <0.001 |
Chronic Hypertension | 31 (3.0) | 12 (5.3) | 9 (8.5) | |
Size for Gestational Agec | ||||
Small (<10th percentile) | 121 (9.8) | 2 (0.8) | 18 (17.8) | |
Appropriate | 766 (77.6) | 187 (84.3) | 72 (73.6) | <0.001 |
Large (≥90th percentile) | 100 (12.6) | 32 (14.9) | 9 (8.6) | |
Timing of Blood Draw | ||||
<20 weeks gestation | 148 (15.1) | 47 (20.4) | 18 (18.6) | 0.36 |
20–27 weeks gestation | 840 (84.8) | 174 (79.6) | 82 (81.4) |
BMI=Body mass index; Mi PTD= Medically indicated preterm delivery; PE=Preeclampsia; sPTD=Spontaneous preterm delivery
P-values indicated significant differences among Term, sPTD, and MI PTD delivery groups
n=1 woman missing information on parity
n=3 women missing information on living arrangement
n=2 women missing information on size for gestational age