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. 2015 Sep 9;10(9):e0136267. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0136267

Fig 1. Schematic showing the trial structure of the rGT.

Fig 1

The task began with illumination of the tray light. A nose-poke response in the food tray extinguished the tray light and initiated a new trial. After an inter-trial-interval (ITI) of 5 s, four stimulus lights were turned on in holes 1, 2, 4, and 5, and the animal was required to respond in one of these holes within 10 s. This response was then rewarded or punished depending on the reinforcement schedule for that option (indicated by the probability of a win or loss in brackets for each option). If the animal was rewarded, the stimulus lights were extinguished and the animal received the corresponding number of pellets in the now-illuminated food tray. A response at the food tray then started a new trial. If the animal was punished, the stimulus light in the corresponding hole flashed at a frequency of 0.5 Hz for the duration of the punishing timeout and all other lights were extinguished. At the end of the punishment period, the tray light was turned on and the animal could initiate a new trial. Failure to respond at the illuminated holes resulted in an omission, whereas a response during the ITI was classified as a premature response and punished by a 5-s timeout during which the house light was turned on. Taken with permission from [25].