Fig 7. Nostril alignment in four species of Vespertilionid bats.
Top view in the upper row and front view in the lower row of the noses of Barbastella barbastellus (A, B), Plecotus auritus (C, D), Myotis bechsteinii (E, F), and Nyctalus noctula (G, H). In M. bechsteinii and N. noctula the nostrils point forward and are not visible from above. In B. barbastellus and P. auritus the nostrils are turned upward and are therefore clearly visible from above and only partly visible in the front view. The front view photos were taken with the camera positioned in the plane of the upper jaw just in front of the bats and the top view photos were shot with the camera perpendicular to this plane positioned just above the bats.Photo courtesy: (A,B) Christian Dietz; (C) Johanna Hurst; (D) Anna-Maria Seibert; (E-H) Laurent Arthur.