Fig 4. Cisplatin re-exposure induced EGFR activation in CPR cells.
A) Representative western blots of pEGFR, Total EGFR and GAPDH for control and CPR cells-/+ 10 μM cisplatin (re-exposure) for 1 hour. B) Graphed data for the ratio of EGFR activation (pEGFR/total EGFR) in control and CPR cells after cisplatin re-exposure. One-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s post hoc revealed significant increases in EGFR activation in control cells treated with cisplatin and in CPR cells treated with cisplatin compared to their untreated counterparts, but CPR cells were not significantly different than control cells in the absence of cisplatin. *p<0.05, **p,0.01.