Figure 4.
Peptide-peptide adducts formed in (A) Mb-SDA alone (control), (B) Mb-SDA with raffinose and (C) Mb-SDA with Gdn HCl formulations. Adducts were mapped irrespective of the number of SDA linkages (1–4 SDA). The α-helices from N-terminus to C-terminus in Mb are represented by cylinders labeled A to H respectively. The molecular mass of tryptic fragments 63–77 and 64–78; 63–78 and 64–79 are identical and cannot be differentiated. The molecular mass for peptide-peptide adducts (32–45 × 43–47) and (32–47 × 43–45); (79–87 × 51–63) and (78–87 × 51–62); (63–78/64–79 × 57–63) and (63–79 × 57–62) are identical and cannot be differentiated.