Principal component motions of the PDB: 2XND c-ring. (A) The normalized eigenvalue spectrum generated by analysis of the tCONCOORD ensemble, compared with the spectrum reported for the GNM analysis (32). The PC values were normalized by their sum. (B) Comparison of B-factors generated from the tCONCOORD ensemble, with the experimental B-factors. (C) En face and side-on kymo-images constructed from a 256-conformer ensemble for the first two PCs (Movies S1, S2, and S3). The Cα backbones are color-coded (red, low; green, medium; blue, high) to indicate the RMSF. (White spheres) Residues A5 and P39 at the membrane boundary; (yellow spheres) residue G21 within the GGGG motif at the membrane midplane. To see this figure in color, go online.