Fig. 3.
Quantitative analysis of the density of IB4-binding (a) and CGRP-ir (b) varicosities per area unit (µm2) in the sciatic territory, 21 days after injection in the sciatic nerve of IB4-saporin (IB4-SAP, N = 5) or saline (sham, N = 4), in the ipsilateral dorsal horn. a Ipsilateral to IB4-saporin injection the number of IB4-positive varicosities was reduced (IB4-SAP) compared to sham animals (Student’s t-test; *P < 0.02). b Ipsilateral to IB4-saporin injection, the density of CGRP ir varicosities was slightly reduced, but the difference from sham was not significant (Student’s t-test)