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. 2015 Aug 20;97(3):457–464. doi: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2015.07.014

Table 2.

Clinical Features of Individuals with Mutations in SPATA5

Individual Age (Years) Sex Proband or Sibling Nucleotide and Amino Acid Changes Hypotonia Spasticity DD Vision Defect SNHL Microcephaly Brain MRI Seizure Abnormal EEG GI
1 6 F P c.2531C>T (p.Ala844Val), c.1574_1578delATGCT (p.Asn525Thrfs20) + + + + + + thin corpus callosum + +
2 9 F S of 1 c.2531C>T (p.Ala844Val), c.1574_1578delATGCT (p.Asn525Thrfs20) + + + + + + thin corpus callosum + + +
3 5 F P c.2362_2371delATTGATAGAA (p.Ile788Serfs47), c.251G>A (p.Arg84Gln) + + + + + + delayed myelination + + +
4 4 F P c.1343C>T (p.Ser448Leu), c.556C>T (p.Arg186) + + + + + normal + + +
5 2 F P c.298G>A (p.Ala100Thr), c.556C>T (p.Arg186) + + + + + + hypomyelination + + +
6 11 M P c.2351G>A (p.Arg784Gln), c.269G>T (p.Ser90Ile) + + + + + + progressive diffuse atrophy + + +
7 6 F S of 6 c.2351G>A (p.Arg784Gln), c.269G>T (p.Ser90Ile) + + ND + + normal + + +
8 19 M P c.1883A>G (p.Asp628Gly), c.1586G>A (p.Arg529Gln) + + + + + ND cortical atrophy, immature myelination + + +
9 14 F S of 8 c.1883A>G (p.Asp628Gly), c.1586G>A (p.Arg529Gln) + + + + + ND + +
10 8 M P c.1878G>C (p.Trp626Cys), c.1714+1G>A hypertonia + + + + + normal + + +
11 3 M S of 10 c.1878G>C (p.Trp626Cys), c.1714+1G>A + + + + + ND + + +
12 5 M P c.1883A>G (p.Asp628Gly), c.1677C>A (p.Tyr559) + + + + + enlarged cerebrospinal fluid spaces + + +
13 11 F P c.989_991del (p.Thr330del) + + + + + normal + + +
14 4 M P c.251G>A (p.Arg84Gln) + + + + + + normal + + +

See Table S2 for additional details of clinical presentations. Abbreviations are as follows: DD, developmental delay; EEG, electroencephalogram; GI, gastrointestinal issues; ND, not determined because of availability or applicability; P, proband; S, sibling; SNHL, sensorineural hearing loss.