Table 1. Sociodemographic and Clinical Characteristics of n=281 Treatment Seeking Individuals with Complicated Grief.
Gender (Female), % (n) | 77.9% (114) |
Age, years, Mean (SD) | 52.4 (14.8) |
Race, % (n) [n=280] | |
White | 80.7% (226) |
Black | 11.4% (32) |
Other | 7.9% (22) |
Ethnicity (Hispanic), % (n) | 11.7% (33) |
Employed, % (n) [n=280] | |
Full-Time | 40.0% (112) |
Part-Time | 18.2% (51) |
Retired | 17.9% (50) |
Full-Time Homemaker | 3.2% (9) |
Unemployed | 20.7% (58) |
Marital Status, % (n) [n=280] | |
Never Married | 27.1% (76) |
Married | 18.9% (53) |
Divorced/Separated | 18.2% (51) |
Widowed | 35.7% (100) |
Time Since Loss, Years, Median (Range) | 2.2 (0.5 – 58.7) |
Type of Death | |
Non-Violent | 65.1% (183) |
Violent | 34.9% (98) |
SCI-CG Score, range 31-93, Mean (SD) | 63.6 (9.0) |
ICG Score, range 0-76, Mean (SD) | 42.7 (8.8) |
SIGH-A Score, range 0-56, Mean (SD) | 20.5 (8.3) |
QIDS-SR Score, range 0-27, Mean (SD) | 13.3 (4.2) |
DTS Score, range 0-136, Mean (SD) | 61.7 (27.4) |
WSAS Score, range 0-40, Mean (SD) | 21.8 (9.6) |
Notes: SCI-CG: Structured Clinical Interview for Complicated Grief; ICG: Inventory of Complicated Grief; SIGH-A: Structured Interview Guide for Hamilton Anxiety; QIDS-SR: Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptoms; DTS: Davidson Trauma Scale; WSAS: Work and Social Adjustment Scale