A, B: Direct evidence was used to restore bilateral symmetry. In (A) the original, distorted skull with rostro-caudal, latero-lateral, and dorso-ventral axes (bronze) is shown and distortion relative to the perfectly perpendicular green axes is obvious. By deforming a lattice containing the skull and the bronze axes so that the bronze axes match the green axes (B) bilateral symmetry is restored (rule 1). C, D, E: Circumstantial evidence used to correct for dorso-ventral flattening. In (D), the isolated vertebra MNG 8966 is not dorso-ventrally flattened due to preservation in flat orientation and has a round neural centrum. In (E), the fifth cervical vertebra of MNG 10181 displays dorso-ventrally flattened neural centrum (bronze) and was corrected until neural centrum had a round shape again (rule 2). Both rules were used to correct distortion for all CT derived bone models of the holotype specimen (C).