Table 3.
Median Months to Clearance for Incident Type-Specific Genital HPV Infection Among MSM and MSW by City in the HIM Study, 2005–2012a
HPV typec | Duration to Clearance, Median (95% CI), mob |
MSM (n = 564) |
MSW (n = 3029) |
São Paulo (n = 347) | Cuernavaca (n = 124) | Tampa (n = 93) | São Paulo (n = 942) | Cuernavaca (n = 1064) | Tampa (n = 1023) | |
Any HPV | 7.1 (6.7–7.6) | 9.4 (7.6–11.8) | 6.3 (6.2–6.7) | 7.8 (7.3–8.1) | 11.3 (9.4–12.0) | 6.7 (6.6–7.0) |
6, 11, 16 or 18 | 6.4 (6.1–7.2) | 9.8 (6.2–14.4) | 8.0 (6.4–12.0) | 6.9 (6.4–7.8) | 7.9 (6.4–11.3) | 7.0 (6.5–8.3) |
High risk | 6.9 (6.6–8.0) | 11.8 (6.7–14.7) | 6.5 (6.2–7.1) | 7.6 (7.1–8.4) | 9.6 (7.6–11.9) | 6.8 (6.5–7.2) |
16 | 6.1 (5.9–7.8) | 6.3 (5.7–16.4) | 11.3 (7.1–22.5) | 6.4 (6.0–7.4) | 6.4 (6.1–7.9) | 8.1 (6.8–12.2) |
18 | 6.3 (5.8–14.0) | 14.0 (11.8–NE) | 9.2 (6.0–NE) | 6.3 (5.9–7.4) | 11.3 (6.0–31.4) | 11.7 (6.0–18.1) |
31 | 6.2 (6.0–11.8) | 9.4 (6.2–17.4) | 12.1 (6.0–30.1) | 8.0 (6.8–11.1) | 6.3 (6.0–10.2) | 7.4 (6.5–13.6) |
33 | 11.9 (6.9–14.7) | 5.7 (5.0–NE) | 12.2 (5.7–NE) | 8.3 (6.9–11.2) | 14.3 (6.2–29.1) | 6.2 (6.2–6.5) |
39 | 6.7 (5.7–8.1) | 16.5 (6.7–NE) | 6.5 (5.7–NE) | 7.2 (6.1–17.9) | 13.5 (6.6–30.3) | 6.4 (6.0–6.7) |
45 | 9.5 (5.6–NE) | 7.4 (NE–NE) | 6.0 (5.7–NE) | 8.9 (5.8–12.3) | 6.0 (5.0–NE) | 6.0 (5.8–6.5) |
51 | 16.4 (6.2–23.1) | 6.1 (NE–NE) | 6.9 (NE–NE) | 13.5 (6.5–24.3) | 11.3 (5.7–NE) | 8.1 (6.2–12.9) |
52 | 6.8 (5.8–18.7) | 6.3 (5.1–NE) | 6.2 (5.5–NE) | 12.0 (6.9–18.0) | 17.7 (10.5–26.3) | 7.3 (6.4–11.8) |
58 | 11.9 (6.4–18.1) | 5.5 (NE–NE) | 6.1 (5.5–NE) | 9.1 (6.9–18.1) | 6.9 (5.8–35.0) | 7.1 (6.0–12.0) |
59 | 6.6 (6.1–7.8) | 6.4 (5.7–NE) | 6.0 (5.6–6.1) | 9.7 (6.2–13.6) | 7.8 (5.9–16.1) | 6.3 (6.1–6.9) |
Low risk | 7.2 (6.7–7.8) | 8.6 (7.4–11.5) | 6.2 (6.2–6.7) | 7.8 (7.2–8.2) | 11.7 (9.6–13.4) | 6.7 (6.6–7.0) |
6 | 6.4 (6.1–11.3) | 9.8 (5.7–NE) | 6.1 (5.7–NE) | 7.1 (6.2–11.7) | 8.1 (6.0–15.6) | 6.4 (6.2–7.0) |
11 | 6.8 (6.0–8.3) | 12.0 (5.7–NE) | 6.3 (5.5–NE) | 8.0 (6.4–12.5) | 13.1 (6.8–24.3) | 6.9 (6.2–11.9) |
44 | 6.7 (6.0–8.3) | 17.5 (6.0–NE) | 6.5 (5.7–7.9) | 7.1 (6.2–12.6) | 30.2 (14.9–48.1) | 10.6 (6.2–12.2) |
53 | 6.9 (6.0–17.2) | 7.6 (5.4–17.7) | 6.9 (6.5–NE) | 11.7 (9.5–17.4) | 13.8 (6.2–31.4) | 6.3 (6.0–10.5) |
54 | 6.4 (5.9–8.1) | 6.1 (5.6–11.8) | 6.2 (6.0–7.1) | 6.7 (6.0–8.1) | 9.3 (6.2–20.7) | 6.8 (6.2–7.8) |
61 | 7.1 (6.4–12.5) | 7.8 (5.9–NE) | 6.7 (6.0–NE) | 8.5 (7.0–17.0) | 30.2 (14.9–48.1) | 7.7 (6.5–12.0) |
70 | 6.4 (6.2–19.9) | 8.6 (5.3–NE) | 6.0 (5.7–NE) | 7.2 (6.2–12.9) | 11.9 (7.1–17.7) | 6.6 (6.1–12.2) |
81 | 8.2 (6.0–11.8) | 7.0 (5.5–NE) | 6.2 (5.7–NE) | 8.1 (6.8–12.0) | 7.7 (6.1–23.2) | 6.6 (6.2–23.5) |
83 | 11.0 (6.5–17.8) | 7.6 (5.7–NE) | 12.3 (6.0–NE) | 9.5 (6.9–12.9) | 11.7 (6.2–18.9) | 6.2 (6.0–7.4) |
84 | 7.1 (6.3–11.0) | 11.8 (6.0–20.9) | 6.2 (6.0–12.2) | 7.6 (6.4–11.8) | 28.3 (12.7–36.4) | 7.6 (6.4–12.8) |
Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; HIM, HPV Infection in Men; HPV, human papillomavirus; MSM, men having sex with men; MSW, men having sex with women; NE, not estimable.
a The unit of analysis was the infection.
b Number of new infections and cleared infections for each group and HPV genotype are included in Supplementary Table 2.
c HPV genotypes shown are those in the 9-valent vaccine and those with any incidence rate >2.2/1000 person-months. Types 62, 66, and 89 are not shown because of unstable point estimates for ≥1 city.