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. 2015 Sep 11;5:14017. doi: 10.1038/srep14017

Table 1. Data collection and refinement statistics.

Native Hg-derivative Hg-derivative
Beamline SACLA BL3 SPring-8 BL26B2
Wavelength (Å) 0.981 0.984 0.9839
Beam energy* or photon flux 30.0 μJ/pulse 86.4 μJ/pulse 2.0 × 1010 phs/s
X-ray detector MPCCD (short working distance octal) MX225
Space group P212121 P212121 P212121
Unit cell (a, b, c; Å) 48.2, 77.6, 84.8 48.1, 77.5, 84.8 48.11, 77.18, 84.92
Resolution range (Å) 10–1.50 (1.56–1.50) 25–1.60 (1.66–1.60) 40–1.70 (1.80–1.70)
Completeness (%) 100 (100) 100 (100) 99.8 (99.3)
SFX multiplicity 222.2 (196) 106.2 (44) n/a
Redundancy n/a n/a 3.9 (3.8)
No. crystals 10,792 10,000 1
Rsplit,§ 0.2727 (1.671) 0.3727 (5.772) n/a
Rmeas, n/a n/a 0.101 (0.728)
Inline graphic, 2.56 (0.63) 1.82 (0.19) 10.58 (2.15)
CC1/2,# 0.893 (0.1988) 0.835 (0.0279) 0.997 (0.696)
CCano** n/a −0.066 0.16
Rwork, Rfree 0.1845, 0.2318 0.2021, 0.2354 0.1444, 0.1776
No. atoms (mean B-factor)
 protein 2,427 (27.0) 2,403 (27.8) 2,456 (22.6)
 water 188 (39.9) 164 (35.6) 158 (35.0)
 ligand/ion 9 (32.6) 9 (30.6) 9 (44.6)
 Hg n/a 2 (25.6) 3 (21.8)
r.m.s. deviation from ideal
 bond lengths (Å) 0.011 0.014 0.019
 bond angles (°) 1.346 1.452 1.778
Ramachandran plot
 Favored (%) 97.76 95.78 95.25
 Allowed (%) 2.24 4.22 4.43
 Outlier (%) 0 0 0.32

*XFEL beam energy calculated from the reflectivity or the transmittance of the components between the beam monitor and the sample position (attenuator, KB-mirrors, Be windows, and air path).

Values in parenthesis are for the highest resolution shell.

Note that σ(I) estimation method is different between CrystFEL and XDS and they cannot be compared.

§Inline graphic12.

Inline graphic40.

#CC1/2 is a correlation coefficient of intensities between randomly-halved datasets41.

**CCano is a correlation coefficient of anomalous intensity differences between randomly-halved datasets.