Figure 6.
Regulation of dendritic lysosome transport by CDK-5, SAD-1, and SYD-2 in an unc-16(+) background. (A) Representative kymographs of CTNS-1-RFP-tagged lysosome movements in the DB7 dendrite of animals with the indicated genotypes. The bright region at the left of the top three images is the cell soma. CTNS-1-RFP is expressed from the integrated transgene ceIs56. See also movies in File S2, File S3, File S4, and File S5. (B–G) Graphs plotting various indicated parameters extracted from the kymographs and time-course analyses. Error bars in B are 95% confidence intervals derived from Fisher’s exact test. All other error bars are standard errors of the means. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, and ***P < 0.0001. Black asterisks compare the marked bar to the wild-type value. Red asterisks compare the indicated two bars in a group. Unmarked bars are not significantly different from wild type or the other group member. Total recorded minutes used for exit/entry analyses (in order of strains as shown): 213, 356, 229, and 220. Total recorded minutes used for movement analyses (in order of strains as shown): 199, 311, 195, 207.