Recovery of the proliferative zone in glp-1(bn18) following exposure to the restrictive temperature. (A) glp-1(bn18) mutants were shifted to restrictive temperature for the indicated length of time and then returned to permissive temperature. Animals were allowed to recover for 48 hr and subsequently scored for Glp (all PZ cells having entered meiotic prophase) phenotype. (B) Animals were shifted to 25° for 3 hr and subsequently returned to permissive temperature to allow recovery. Animals were harvested at the indicated time points, and the total number of REC-8-positive PZ cells were counted. The time indicates hours after returning to permissive temperature (15°). (A) 0 hr, n = 92 germlines; 2 hr, n = 37; 2.5 hr, n = 68; 3 hr, n = 101; 3.5 hr, n = 94; 4 hr, n = 90. (B) unshifted control: 0 hr, n = 17; 72 hr, n = 16. 3 hr, 25° pulse: 0 hr, n = 18; 3 hr, n = 19; 6 hr, n = 18; 12 hr, n = 10; 20 hr, n = 20; 48 hr, n = 16; 72 hr, n = 16. Error bars indicate standard deviation.