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. 2014 Sep;46(3):197–211.

Table 5.

Summary of pharmacological interventions.

Intervention (no. of papers) Type of Study, Surgery Author (year) [reference]1* No.2 Inflammatory Biomarker(S) Suppressed Yes–No: Biomarker3 Clinical Benefit Yes–No: Outcome Modified Comment

Methylprednisolone (6) RCT, CABG Giomarelli (2003) [55]4* 105 Yes: IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, TNFα6 Yes: CK-MB, A-a O2 gradient 1 g preoperatively, 5 × 125 mg postoperatively; improved myocardial protection creatine kinase MB fraction (CK-MB) and A-a O2 gradient
RCT, CABG Demir (2009) [56] 15 Yes: IL-6, IL-10 Yes: ICU stay, NSE 1 g before CPB; improved intensive care unit (ICU) length of stay and levels of neuron specific enolase (NSE)
RCT, CABG Fillinger (2002) [57] 15 Yes: IL-6, IL-10 No 15 mg/kg preoperatively, 4 × .3 mg/kg postoperatively; less nausea but no other changes in clinical outcomes
RCT, CABG McBride (2004) [58] 18 Yes: IL-8, IL-10, TNF No 30 mg/kg before induction; no changes in clinical outcomes
RCT, CABG Bourbon (2004) [59] 12 Yes: IL-6, TNF No 10 mg/kg preoperatively; no clinical changes, no adverse events
RCT, CABG Liakopoulos (2007) [60] 40 Yes: IL-6, IL-18, IL-10, TNF, CRP No 15 mg/kg bolus preoperatively; improved troponin (Tn) T but worsened pulmonary shunt, hyperglycemia, and lactic acidosis
Dexamethasone (6) RCT, CABG Von Spiegel (2004) [61] 10 N/D7§ Yes: lung water 1 mg/kg after induction; improvement in lung water; mild benefit
RCT, CABG Halvorsen (2003) [62] 147 N/D No 4 mg perioperatively + 4 mg postoperatively; no change in hard clinical end points, inotrope use, or reoperation rates
RCT, CABG Loef (2004) [63] 10 N/D No 1 mg/kg at induction + .5 mg/kg postoperatively; significant glycosuria, controlled through insulin; no clinical benefit
RCT, mixed valve/CABG Yared (2007) [64] 37 No No .6-mg/kg bolus; no clinical benefit and could not demonstrate inflammatory suppression to a range of markers
RCT, CABG Sobiesky (2008) [65] 13 Yes: IL-6 No 100-mg bolus after induction; no change A-a O2 gradient or ICU stay; no clinical benefit
RCT, CABG Amr (2009) [66] 50 Yes: IL-6, IL-8 No 1 mg/kg at induction + .5 mg/kg postoperatively; significant hyperglycemia; no change in hard end points; no benefit
Hydrocortisone (1) RCT, mixed valve/CABG Halonen (2007) [67] 120 Yes: CRP No 100 mg days 1–4 of operation; no change to any prespecified clinical end points
Cochrane review (1) meta-analysis valve/CABG Dieleman (2011) [68] 1807 N/D No No beneficial effect of corticosteroid use on mortality, cardiac, and pulmonary complications
C1 esterase inhibitor (2) RCT, emergency CABG Thielmann (2006) [69] 28 Yes: C3, C4 Yes: cTnI 40-IU/kg bolus + 20 IU/kg infusion showed myocardial protection (Trop. I) with earlier treatment from acute STEMI
RCT, emergency CABG Fattouch (2007) [70] 38 Yes: C3a, C4 Yes: ICU stay, cTnI 1000 IU Cl INH provided convincing improvement in ICU length of stay and cardiac function (cTnI and wall motion)
Complement C5 inhibitor (2) RCT, mixed valve/CABG Verrier (2004) [71] 1378 Yes: serum complement activity No Multicenter trial; missed primary end point 30-day death/Ml in CABG, but significant risk reduction in intent to treat analysis
RCT, mixed valve/CABG Smith (2011) [72] 2156 Yes: serum complement activit1 Yes: mortality Analysis of combined PRIMO-CABG I and II trials; highest risk patients showed significant benefit at 30-day mortality
Complement receptor 1 inhibitor (1) RCT, mixed valve/CABG Lazar (2004) [73] 72 Yes: C3a, C5b-9 No Striking gender bias; soluble CR1 significantly inhibited death/MI in males but not females; overall no benefit
Neutrophil elastase inhibitor (1) RCT, valve Fujii (2010) [74] 6 Yes: IL-6, IL-8, NE Yes: PaO2/FiO2 ratio Infusion of neutrophil elastase inhibitor significantly improved PaO2/FiO2 ratio
Urinary protease inhibitor (2) RCT, CABG Bingyang (2007) [75] 15 Yes: IL-6, IL-8, NE, TNFα Yes: ventilator time, A-a O2 gradient Documented antiprotease activity is against neutrophil elastase; improved ventilator time and A-a O2 gradient
RCT, valve Song (2011) [76] 24 No Yes: ICU stay Infusion or urintary proteas inhibitor significantly improved ICU stay; no change in inflammatory mediators
Sodium nitroprusside (1) RCT, CABG Gol (2002) [77] 10 Yes: IL-6 Yes: ICU stay, inotropes Na nitroprusside (NO donor) intravenously after x-clamp release; convincing improvement ICU stay and need for inotropes

Intervention (no. of papers) Type of Study, Surgery Author (year) [reference]8* No.9 Inflammatory Biomarker(S) Suppressed Yes–No: Biomarker10 Clinical Benefit Yes–No: Outcome Modified Comment

Aminophylline (2) RCT, valve Luo (2004) [78] 15 Yes: IL-8, IL-10, TNFα Yes: ICU stay, ventilator time Perioperative aminophylline infusion significantly improved ventilator time and ICU length of stay
RCT, valve Luo (2007) [79] 15 Yes: neutrophil myeloperoxidase Yes: cTnI Significant myocardial protection (TnI); fewer neutrophils in coronary sinus with less myeloperoxidase on biopsies
Glutamine (1) RCT, mixed valve/CABG Engel (2009) [80] 31 Yes: IL-2, IFN-γ, NE No Infusion of glutamine after induction to postoperative day 3 did not affect ventilation time, ICU stay, or organ dysfunction
Taurine (1) RCT, CABG Doddakula (2010) [81] 15 Yes: IL-6 No Infusion of a 2% solution of the antioxidant agent taurine did not affect hard clinical end points or ICU stay
Erythropoietin (1) RCT, mixed valve/CABG Poulsen (2009) [82] 22 No No 2 × 500 IU/kg doses at days −1 and +1; no change in prespecified clinical outcomes
Aprotinin (1) RCT, CABG Kipfer (2003) [83] 15 No No Bleeding and transfusion benefits; no change in permitted clinical outcomes
Dual-dose tranexamic acid (1) RCT, CABG Jimenez (2011) [84] 80 No No Double-dose TXA (40 + 40 mg/kg) versus single-dose control; unwanted trend towards increased mortality and seizures
N-acetyl cysteine (1) RCT, CABG El-Hamamsy (2007) [85] 50 No No Intravenous infusion; concerning trend toward increased death and MI; also trend toward myocardial injury (CK-MB and TnT)
Lidocaine (1) RCT, mixed valve/CABG Mathew (2009) [86] 114 No No Interaction of lidocaine with diabetes caused significant postoperative cognitive decline
Ethylpyruvate (1) RCT, mixed valve/CABG Bennett-Guerrero (2009) [87] 49 No No Infusion of ethyl pyruvate did not affect death, MI, ARF, or a raft of clinical markers or hospital resource end points
Propofol (1) RCT, valve An (2008) [88] 15 Yes: IL-8, oxidative stress Yes: ICU stay, ventilation time Propofol targeted infusion during cross-clamp improved ventilation time, lung compliance and ICU stay
Isoflurane + propofol (1) RCT, CABG Huang (2011) [89] 30 Yes:IL-6, TNFα, oxidative stress Yes: CK-MB, cTnI Synergistic protective effect of isoflurane with propofol on ICU stay and myocardial protection (CK-MB and TnI)
Sevoflurane (2) RCT, valve Kawamura (2006) [90] 13 Yes: IL-6, IL-8 Yes: CK-MB, TnT Fentanyl + sevoflurane anesthesia versus fentanyl + propofol control; convincing myocardial protection (CK-MB and TnT)
RCT, valve Cho (2009) [91] 15 Yes: IL-6, IL-10 No Sevoflurane anesthesia versus fentanyl + midazolam control; no change in ICU stay or other clinical end points
NO gas (1) RCT, valve Gianetti (2004) [92] 14 Yes: soluble P-selectin Yes: CK-MB, cTnI, BNP Continuous NO inhalation perioperatively and in ICU; protection of myocardial injury markers (CK-MB, TnI, and BNP)
L-Arginine in cardioplegia (1) RCT, CABG Colagrande (2006) [93] 33 Yes: IL-6, TNFα Yes: ICU stay, CK-MB, cTnI L-arginine (nitric oxide substrate) added to cardioplegia; convincing improvement in ICU stay, CK-MB, and TnI
Propionyl L-Carnitine (1) RCT, CABG Lango (2005) [94] 21 Yes: endothelin, oxidative stress Yes: lactate Diabetic cohort; propionyl L-carnitine in cardioplegia significantly improved cardiac index, SVR, PVR, and lactate
Adenosine (1) RCT, valve Koksal (2008) [95] 15 Yes: neutrophil count No Adenosine as an adjunct to cardioplegia did not improve clinical end points or confer significant myocardial protection
Hydroxyethyl starch in prime (1) RCT, valve Choi (2010) [96] 28 Yes: NE No Hydroxyethyl starch used as priming solution, versus albumin control, did not affect ICU stay or inotrope use
Gelatin colloid (1) RCT, CABG Tamayo (2008) [97] 22 No No Priming with gelatin colloid, versus crystalloid control, had no effect on ventilation time, ICU stay, or need for inotropes
N-acetyl cysteine (1) RCT, CABG Liu (2009) [98] 15 No No In cardioplegia; no change in hard clinical end points but same trend as with intravenous infusion toward myocardial injury (CK-MB)

Number in square bracket refers to reference number in the Appendix B.

N = number of subjects in treatment group.

Abbreviations used: RCT, randomized controlled trial; CABG, coronary artery bypass grafting; IL, interleukin; TNF, tumor necrosis factor; NE, neutrophil elastase; CRP, C-reactive protein; A-a O2, arterial–alevolar oxygen gradient; CK-MB, creatine kinase MB fraction; cTn, cardiac-specific troponin; ICU, intensive care unit; STEMI, ST-elevation myocardial infarction.


N/D, not done.