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. 2015 May 16;55(Suppl 1):S78–S87. doi: 10.1093/geront/gnv044

Table 1.

Correlations Between GAITRite Velocity and Functional Ambulation Profile (FAP) and Fall Risk Assessments (N = 17)

Pearson’s weighted correlation (p value)
GAITRite Habitual Gait Speed Functional Reach Berg Balance Scale Timed Up and Go Short Physical Performance Battery Single Leg Stance (eyes open) Single Leg Stance (eyes closed)
Velocity −.79 (<.001)** .44 (.078) .61 (.009)** −.67 (.004)** .79 (<.001)** .34 (.180) .26 (.312)
FAP −.41 (.102) .40 (.108) .46 (.062) −.32 (.206) .55 (.022)* .44 (.080) .44 (.077)

Note: *p < .05. **p < .01.