Relation between abundance of mRNA levels of GA2ox genes and silencing in vegetative and reproductive tissues of transgenic plants. Bars represent the relative abundance of GA2ox genes in different tissues and those labelled with asterisks are those genes silenced in at least one transgenic line. The SlActin gene was used as an internal control for each tissue and values are means of three biological replicates ±SE. All data are expressed relative to the values of GA2ox1 expression in roots, set as 1.0. **, The gene is silenced in two transgenic lines; *, the gene is silenced in only one transgenic line. The vegetative tissues were taken from Roots (from 90-d-old plants), Stems (27-d-old plants, approximately 1 week before anthesis), Apical shoots (apical portions consisting of shoot apices and three apical young leaves before anthesis), Hypocotyls (from 7-d-old seedlings), Leaves-Yp (apical young leaves of 35-d-old plants), and Leaves-Op (apical young leaves of 90-d-old plants). The reproductive tissues were taken from ovaries: d0 (ovaries at the time of anthesis), P+5 (pollinated ovaries 5 d post-anthesis), P+10 (pollinated ovaries 10 d post-anthesis), and E+5 (emasculated ovaries 5 d post-anthesis).