Figure 2.
Assessment of antibody binding capacity by biolayer interferometry. A, Antibody binding capacity (n = 90) to H3N2 and H1N1 was assessed on day 0 prior to vaccination and day 28 after vaccination. The geometric mean percent (GMP) ratio (day 28 GMP/day 0 GMP) was calculated to determine the vaccine-associated change in antibody binding within each age group. A GMP ratio of 1 (dotted line) is indicative of no change. Day 28 GMP ratios were used to compare responses of older adult groups to middle-aged controls (day 28 GMP of older adult group/day 28 GMP of 50–59 age group). A GMT ratio less than 1 (dotted line) is indicative of lower postvaccination antibody binding. B, Antibody binding capacity was plotted by age and correlations calculated to determine the effect of age on preexisting () and postvaccination antibody binding (
). The correlation coefficient and P value are presented for preexisting (
) and postvaccination (
) correlations with age. The influence of preexisting, cross-reactive antibody on the day 28 postvaccination response to H1N1 (
) and H3N2 (
) was also determined. The correlation of pre- and postvaccination antibody responses to H1N1 (
) and H3N2 (
) are depicted. The correlation coefficient and P value are presented for prevaccination H1N1 (
) and H3N2 (
) correlations with the postvaccination antibody binding capacity. Error bars represent 1 standard error. Significance is indicated by *P ≤ .05, **P ≤ .01, †P ≤ .001.