Figure 3.
Correlations with vaccine antibody response. Antibody to A and C, H3N2 and B and D, H1N1 were assessed from serum samples taken at prevaccination and 28 days postvaccination by A and B, HI (n = 88) and C and D, microneutralization ([MN] n = 90). Antibody levels were plotted by age, and correlations were calculated to determine the effect of age on preexisting and postvaccination antibody titers. The correlation coefficient and P value are presented for correlations with age. E, The influence of preexisting, cross-reactive antibody to H3N2 () and H1N1 (
) on the postvaccination, day 28 response was also determined. The correlation of pre- and postvaccination antibody responses to H1N1 (
) and H3N2 (
) are depicted. The correlation coefficient and P value are presented for prevaccination H1N1 (
) and H3N2 (
) correlations with the postvaccination titers. HI, hemagglutination inhibition.