Fig 2. Bovine CCL28 mediates migration of CCR10 transfected cells Supernatant fluids from Cos-7 cells transfected with mCCL28, bCCL28, or empty vector controls were placed in the bottom well of a Transwell migration chamber.
Cells expressing mCCR10 were placed in the upper chamber and allowed to migrate for 1.5hrs. Both murine and bovine CCL28 mediated migration of CCR10 transfectants significantly better than empty vector controls *p<0.05, as determined by Mann Whitney U test. Results are from four separate experiments. Average migration of cells migrating to mCCL28 was 18.4% (SE 3.71), migration to bCCL28 9.4% (SE 2.12), and migration to empty vector 0.1% (SE 0.01). Error bars represent standard error of the mean. NS = Not Significant.