Table 2.
Study Description and Characteristics
# | Author/Year | Location of Study | Study Design and Methods | Purpose/Aims | Sample (size, description) | Quality | Level of Evidence |
1a | Allen, Channon, Lowes, Atwell, & Lane, 2011 | United Kingdom |
Qualitative; longitudinal qualitative case studies, semi- structured interviews; recruited from 5 different diabetes services throughout the UK |
To explore young adults’ and caregivers’ experiences during transition from child to adult diabetes services |
Adolescents ages 14-22 with T1D (n=46), & mothers (n=39). |
10 | C |
2a | Allen et al., 2012 | England | Mixed methods; semi- structured interviews, selected observation, case studies & surveys; recruited from the diabetes services in England |
To identify the mechanisms of a smooth transition to adult diabetes care and the service components through which these can be achieved |
Interviews of health care professionals (n=38), young adults (n=46), and caregivers (n=39); surveys of young adults (n=82). |
10 | C |
3 | Begley, 2013 | Ireland | Mixed-methods; surveys with closed and open-ended questions; surveys sent to all known consultants, MDs, CNS's, and APN's |
To clarify how the transition from childhood to adult healthcare is managed in young people with cystic fibrosis (CF) and T1D |
Consultants, MDs, CNS's, and APN's caring for teens with CF and T1D; (n=71; 54% response rate) |
8 | C |
4 | Busse et al., 2007 | Germany | Quantitative; cross-sectional structured survey administered through phone interview; Sample eligibility criteria: at least 18 years of age, at least 6 months had elapsed after transition and the patient had no other chronic disorder apart from diabetes |
To determine the patients’ perception of transfer arrangements and to analyze health care use and metabolic control |
Cases identified through diabetes registry of the Clinic and Policlinic for Children and Adolescents, University of Leipzig, Germany; (n=101) |
10 | C |
5 | Cadario et al., 2009 | Italy | Quantitative; retrospective cohort study; comparison group of PDS patients discharged with an unstructured transfer; exposure group discharged with structured transition |
To investigate the outcomes of a structured transition program to an unstructured one |
Adolescents and young adults (n=62) discharged from the pediatric diabetes service (PDS) to the adult pediatric service (ADS) |
9 | C |
6 | de Beaufort, Jarosz-Chobot, Frank, de Bart, & Deja, 2010 | International | Quantitative; cross-sectional questionnaire |
To evaluate the practices of diabetes health care providers concerning the transition from pediatric to adult diabetes care |
Email with survey link sent to all members of the International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes (n=92; 16% response rate) |
9 | C |
7b | Dovey-Pearce, Doherty, & May, 2007 | England | Qualitative; thematic analysis of audio recorded interviews; recruited from young adults served by specialist diabetes services |
To describe and understand the influence of diabetes upon psychosocial development and to highlight the implications for healthcare teams. |
16-25 year olds with T1D (n=19); 8 males; 11 females |
10 | C |
8b | Dovey-Pearce, Hurrell, May, Walker, & Doherty, 2005 | England | Qualitative; semi-structured interviews and focus groups; recruited from young adults served by specialist diabetes services |
To understand the opinions of young adults with diabetes who were receiving secondary care services about the provision of diabetes services |
16-25 year olds with T1D (n=19); 8 males; 11 females |
10 | C |
9c | Garvey et al., 2014 | United States of America |
Qualitative; focus group interviews; recruited from emerging adults receiving adult diabetes care at a single center |
To explore the experience of transition from pediatric to adult diabetes care reported by post- transition emerging adults with T1D |
Young adults with T1D, 22- 30 years old, diagnosed with diabetes at ≤18 years of age (n=26) |
8 | C |
10 | Garvey et al., 2013 | United States of America |
Quantitative; cross-sectional survey; recruited from emerging adults with T1D who had been previously followed in the pediatric diabetes clinic at Boston Children's hospital |
To describe the current status of adult diabetes care in young adults with T1D and examine associations between health care transition experiences and care utilization |
205 surveys sent to sample, 65 returned (32% response rate) |
9 | C |
11 | Garvey et al., 2012 | United States of America |
Quantitative; cross-sectional survey; recruited from emerging adults with T1D aged 22-30 years, under the care of any adult diabetes specialist at the Joslin Diabetes Center |
To examine characteristics of the transition from pediatric to adult care in emerging adults with T1D and evaluate associations between transition characteristics and glycemic control |
484 mailed surveys, 258 collected (53% response rate) |
10 | C |
12 | Gerber, Solomon, Shaffer, Quinn, & Lipton, 2007 | United States of America |
Quantitative; cohort study; no control; one intervention group followed; sample eligibility criteria: fluent in English, diagnosed with diabetes prior to 18th birthday, over 18 years of age at time of recruitment |
To evaluate the effectiveness of an internet-based transition support program, STYLE, in an urban cohort of individuals between 19-26 years of age |
19 participants given intervention, only 12 attended feedback sessions for analysis |
4 | C |
13 | Hanna et al., 2013 | United States of America |
Quantitative; longitudinal study; pre-post test design; three consecutive years of recruiting students with T1D in their last 6 months of high school |
To examine: (1) how diabetes care responsibility changed in relation to time and living situation and (2) the association of diabetes self-efficacy, gender and glycemic control with changes in diabetes care responsibility |
n = 113 (17-19 year olds with T1D); |
10 | B |
14 | Helgeson et al., 2013 | United States of America |
Quantitative; questionnaire with repeated samples; time 1 during senior year of high school; time 2 one year later; recruited from a previous study in the Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh in 2002-2004 |
To describe the transition of youth with T1D from pediatric to adult healthcare services and examine the link of this transition with self- care and glycemic control and distinguish medical treatment from different physicians |
118 adolescents who utilize either a pediatric endocrinologist or adult physician |
10 | C |
15 | Hilliard et al., 2014 | United States of America |
Mixed methods; surveys with open ended questions; pre- transition group was recruited from a pediatric diabetes clinic; post-transition recruited from 18-22 year olds who were treated at the same clinic |
To describe the concerns, expectations, preferences, and experiences of youth and parents before and after transitioning from pediatric to adult care. |
Pre-transition: adolescents aged 15-17 with T1D (n=20) Post-transition: young adults aged 18-22 (n=59) |
9 | C |
16 | Holmes- Walker, Llewellyn, & Farrell, 2007 | Australia | Quantitative; simple interrupted time series design; young adults aged 15-25 with T1D were referred to the program that was based at a tertiary adult referral hospital in July 2001 |
To determine if a transition support program could maintain attendance at a specialist clinic, improve diabetes control, and reduce acute hospital admissions in 15-25 year olds with T1D |
Patients (n=191) referred were seen in a young adult diabetes clinic and did not routinely meet the transition coordinator or adult diabetes specialist |
4 | B |
17 | Huang et al., 2014 | United States of America |
Quantitative; randomized Clinical Trial; recruited from 1 pediatric tertiary care academic medical center |
To evaluate whether a internet- and mobile phone-delivered disease management intervention improves disease management, self-efficacy, and communication outcomes |
Adolescents (n=81) aged 12- 22 with either inflammatory bowel disease, cystic fibrosis, or T1D |
7 | A |
18 | Kime, 2013 | United Kingdom |
Qualitative; focus groups | To report on the transition process and the role of community nurses in young peoples’ diabetes care |
9 acute trusts across the region and more than 300 participants, parents, and professionals |
7 | C |
19 | Lotstein et al., 2013 | United States of America |
Quantitative; retrospective cohort study; utilized SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth Study data to find those who completed at least 1 follow up visit after age 18 |
Describe sociodemographic and clinical correlates of poor glycemic control associated with transfer of care of youth with T1D diagnosed in adolescence |
185 American adolescents (ages 13-18) with T1D |
10 | B |
20 | Lundin, Ohrn, & Danielson, 2008 | Sweden | Qualitative; ethnographic approach with formal and informal interviews; participants observed from 2 pediatric diabetes clinics and 2 adult diabetes clinics |
Describe care culture in pediatric and adult diabetes outpatient clinics and implications for care of adolescents |
Observations of 51 participants; interviews of 10 physicians |
9 | C |
21 | Markowitz & Laffel, 2012 | United States of America |
Quantitative; pre-post test design to evaluate group support program; interested patients recruited through flyers |
To examine the effects of a group support program |
15 emerging adults with T1D; ages 18-30 |
10 | C |
22 | Nakhla, Daneman, To, Paradis, & Guttmann, 2009 | Canada | Quantitative; retrospective cohort study; examined health administrative and survey data from Ontario Diabetes Database |
Compare rates of DM related hospitalization & retinopathy screening before and after transition to adult care. |
1507 young adults with T1D | 10 | B |
23 | Neu et al., 2010 | Germany | Quantitative; pre-post questionnaire after transition to adult care; recruited from a single hospital |
Identify the type of clinical care received by young T1D patients who transition to adult care, and assess the metabolic status of long term treatment after transition |
99 patients (28 drop outs, 28.2%) average age at transition: 21.8 years |
10 | C |
24 | Perry, Steinbeck, Dunbabin, & Lowe, 2010 | Australia | Quantitative; retrospective cohort study; case note audits at 6 diabetes clinics |
To document diabetes health services use and indices of glycemic management of young people with T1D |
239 young adults with T1D ages 18-28; |
10 | C |
25 | Price et al., 2011 | United Kingdom |
Qualitative; semi-structured interviews; recruited from adolescents attending a diabetes clinic |
To evaluate the transition pathway in diabetes using qualitative methods in order to explore the experiences and suggestions of the young people |
11 young adults aged 16-18 with T1D |
8 | C |
26c | Ritholz et al., 2014 | United States of America |
Qualitative; focus group interviews; recruited from emerging adults receiving adult diabetes care at a single center |
To explore perceptions emerging adults with T1D have of their patient-provider relationships across the transition from pediatric to adult care |
Young adults with T1D, 22- 30 years old, diagnosed with diabetes at ≤18 years of age (n=26) |
8 | C |
27 | Scott, Vallis, Charette, Murray, & Latta, 2005 | Canada | Mixed-methods; questionnaire followed by telephone interview; invitation letters were sent to former patients of a tertiary pediatric diabetes care center |
To understand why young adults drop out of diabetes care during transition from pediatric to adult health care and to obtain information as how the care could better meet their needs |
76 participants returned questionnaires (33.3% response rate); 19 telephone interviews |
7 | C |
28 | van Staa, Jedeloo, van Meeteren, & Latour, 2011 | Netherlands | Qualitative; semi-structured interviews on young adult patients and on their parents and healthcare providers; potential participants were randomly selected from a list of young adult patients officially discharged in the previous 2 years |
To examine the expectation and experience with transfer and perceived quality of care in pediatric care and adult services |
3 of the 24 randomly selected participants were diagnosed with diabetes; aged 15-22; 24 parents; 17 healthcare providers |
8 | C |
29 | Van Walleghem, MacDonald, & Dfan, 2008 | Canada | Quantitative; 2 year prospective cohort study with follow up every 6 months; data gathered from database review and audit of medical records |
To report clinical outcomes and identify barriers to care for young adults with T1D after transfer from pediatric to adult care |
Two cohorts followed: Younger group aged 18 years (n=84) from the “Maestro Project” Older group aged 19-25 (n=64) who were transferred to adult care without the initial support |
6 | C |
30 | Vanelli et al., 2004 | Italy | Quantitative; 8 year retrospective cohort study; data gathered from T1D patients at a hospital |
To report the effects of a protocol for an uninterrupted procedure to transfer adolescents with T1D from pediatric to adult clinic in a hospital |
73 patients with T1D, average age of 26.5 years (sd=2.6) |
8 | C |
31 | Wilson, 2010 | United States of America |
Qualitative; semi-structured phone interviews; convenience sample recruited from colleges and universities |
To explore the experiences of young adults managing T1D at college or university |
23 young adults with T1D; aged 17-19 |
6 | C |
indicates studies utilizing same dataset or sample
indicates studies utilizing same dataset or sample
indicates studies utilizing same dataset or sample