Fig. 4. AMP peptide protects against LPS-induced gut hyperpermeability of mouse colon and jejunum in vivo.
C57BL/10 mice (n=3 in each group) were treated with AMP peptide (25 mg/kg, s.c.) and then injected with LPS (100 μg, i.p.), or injected with LPS alone. Animals were killed 30 min after LPS injection. Segments (2-cm long) of colon or jejunum were used for permeability assay by filling these sacs with FITC-dextran (Mr 4 kDa). Flux of FITC-dextran from mucosa to serosa during the next 75 minutes was measured by fluorometry. Left panel, colon segments of mice given LPS alone (red line), or AMP peptide given 5 days before LPS (blue line). Right panel, jejunum segments of mice given LPS alone (red line), a single dose of AMP peptide 1 day (blue line) or 6 h (green line) before LPS, or no treatment (broken black line; control). Values are FITC flux per cm of intestine for three experiments.