Figure 1. Comparative Profiling of Uninfected Host RBCs and P. falciparum ABS Parasites.
24 composite lipid species from Dd2 parasites and uninfected human RBCs were quantified via LC-MS/MS. Data are shown as means±SEM (n=3 independent experiments performed in triplicate). Uninfected RBCs were harvested at the 48-hour time point. Means and SEM are depicted as solid and dashed red lines respectively. Significant differences between uninfected RBCs and saponin-lysed ABS parasite pellets (containing some residual RBC membranes) were calculated using the Student’s t-test and are indicated above individual time points; *p≤0.01. Stars beside the names indicate lipid subclasses previously undocumented in P. falciparum. PC=phosphatidylcholine, PE= phosphatidylethanolamine, PS=phosphatidylserine, PI=phosphatidylinositol, PG=phosphatidylglycerol, BMP=bis(monoacylglyceryl)phosphate, SM, sphingomyelin, dhSM=dihydroSM, Cer=Ceramide, dhCer=dihydroCer, LacCer=lactosylCer, GM3= monosialodihexosylganglioside, GLuCer=GlucosylCer, GalCer=GalactosylCer.