Fig. 2.
Lateral cortical activity during orientation in space, time, and person. (A) Domain-specific activity in a representative subject, identified by contrasting activity between each orientation domain and the other two domains (P < 0.05, FDR-corrected, cluster size >20 voxels). The inferior parietal lobe (IPL) is active in all three orientation domains, and the temporal lobe mostly for time but also for person orientation. Notice the strong left lateralization of time activations. (B) IPL activity in four subjects, demonstrating a consistent posterior–anterior organization (white dashed line): All other subjects showed the same activity pattern (Fig. S1). (C) Group average (n = 16) event-related plots from independent experimental runs. (D) Group average of beta plots from volume-of-interest GLM analysis. See Fig. 1 legend for further details.