Germination and viability of OsHSP18.2 overexpressing seeds after CDT. Six week-old seeds were subjected to 4 days of CDT as described in Materials and Methods. Germination analysis of WT, empty vector VC, and three OsHSP18.2 transgenic lines (L1, L2, and L3) before (A) and after (B) 4 days of CDT. (C) Tetrazolium assay for seed viability and (D) DAB staining for H2O2 production of WT, empty vector (VC), and three OsHSP18.2 transgenic lines (L1, L2, and L3) before (left) and after 4 days of CDT (right). Age matched seeds were used for all germination experiments. In graph the values are mean ± SE of three independent sets (n = 50). Asterisk indicate significant difference between WT and test genotypes (∗P < 0.01).