Germination and seedling establishment of OsHSP18.2 overexpressing seeds under abiotic stresses. Germination percentage (A,C,E,G) and green cotyledon emergence (B,D,F,H) of WT, VC, and transgenic seeds overexpressing OsHSP18.2 scored under (A,B) Control conditions, (C,D) Heat (45°C), (E,F) Salt (150 mM NaCl), and (G,H) Dehydration (-0.4 MPa PEG). Age matched seeds were surface sterilized and plated on either ½ MS or ½ MS supplemented for various stresses. Plates were stratified at 4°C for 3 days and transferred to growth chamber at 22 ± 2°C. Values are mean ± SE of three independent sets (n = 50).