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. 2015 Sep 18;7(20):2245–2263. doi: 10.4254/wjh.v7.i20.2245

Table 3.

Treatment-induced changes in biomarkers levels and association with outcome in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma

Ref. Marker Patient (n) Study design Treatment Marker treatment-induced changes Impact value Comments
Llovet et al[63] VEGF-A 490 Prospective phase III trial Sorafenib vs placebo Increase No association with OS and ORR The VEGF-A could serve as pharmacodynamic marker of exposure to sorafenib but did not have prognostic or predictive value
Harmon et al[93] 37 Prospective single arm phase II Sunitinib Reversible Increase Better DCR Inconsistent results were observed in these trials. The value of VEGF-A to predict response to sunitinib could be confirmed in larger trial
Better PFS
Better OS
Zhu et al[91] VEGF-C 34 Prospective single arm phase II Sunitinib Sustained increase No predictive value
Harmon et al[93] 37 Prospective single arm phase II Sunitinib Decrease Better DC The predictive value of VEGF-C was not shown for sorafenib probably because of its limited action against the VEGFR-3
Better ORR
Harmon et al[93] sVEGFR-2/ sVEGFR-3 37 Prospective single arm phase II Sunitinib Reversible decrease Better OS (for sVEGFR-2) The small cohort did not allow a definite conclusion
Zhu et al[91] 34 Prospective single arm phase II Sunitinib Decrease No predictive value
Llovet et al[63] Ang2 490 Prospective phase III trial Sorafenib vs placebo No significant change (for sorafenib) Increase (for placebo) Shorter TTP Shorter OS (for patients who experienced increase) Ang2 was probably a prognostic biomarker than predictive of response to sorafenib
Llovet et al[63] c-KIT 245 Prospective single arm phase II Sorafenib vs placebo Decrease (sorafenib) no change (placebo) No predictive value Tumor expression of KIT was considered as low in HCC, and the role of soluble KIT remains unclear
Zhu et al[91] 34 Prospective single arm phase II Sunitinib Decrease Better TTP
Better OS
Harmon et al[93] 37 Prospective single arm phase II Sunitinib Decease Better TTP
Boige et al[98] CEC 36 Prospective single arm phase II Bevacizumab Early increase Better OR CEC level was not associated with prognosis in this study. However, it could predict response to bevacizumab. The rarity of CEC level and non-standardized measurement methods limited the use of CEC as a predictive marker of response to treatment in HCC
Better DCR
Zhu et al[91] CECP 34 Prospective single arm phase II Sunitinib Decrease Progression

Ang2: Angiopoietin 2; CEC: Circulating endothelial cells; CECP: Circulating endothelial cell progenitors; c-KIT: Stem-cell factor receptor; DCR: Disease control; HCC: Hepatocellular carcinoma; ORR: Objective response; OS: Overall survival; PFS: Progression-free survival; sVEGFR: Soluble vascular endothelial growth factors receptor; TTP: Time to progression; VEGF: Vascular endothelial growth factors.