Fig 5. Non metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) of root community-weighed traits.
RCWTs with R>0.5 and R< 0.5 from Table 1 for PC1 were used for NMDS. The following environmental parameters were plotted as explanatory variables: nitrogen and carbon concentrations in soil and litter (Nsoil, Csoil, Clitter, Nlitter), available phosphorus in soil (Pavailsoil), sum of basic cations in soil (CatBsoil), soil water content (soilSWC) and soil pH (pH). B = Bukit 12, H = Harapan, O = oil palm, R = rubber plantation, J = jungle rubber, F = forest. Stress: 0.106, R2 for coordinate 1: 0.785 and for coordinate 2: 0.0735.