Fig 6. Molecular modeling of antibody accessibility to the primary structure of class II pilins.
(A) Overall aspect of the glycosylated pilus fibers from the 8013, FAM20, LIM534 and LIM707 strains. The polypeptide structure appears in cyan and the surface representation of the sugars appears in color. (B) Detailed view of the FAM20 fiber formed with the proteoform with three glycosylation sites. Sugars appear in purple. (C) Projection of the pilus surface on a 2D grid. The antigen-binding tip of an antibody is represented at the same scale. Sugar moieties appear in black. (D) Antibody accessibility to the polypeptide chain in the presence or absence of sugar modifications. Results are presented as the percentage of positions along the grid that allow a 2 nm disc to be placed on the pilus surface without touching sugar moieties relative to all positions on the grid.