Sociodemographic profile |
Socioeconomic status |
Household structure |
Family size |
Reproductive history |
Approximate age at marriage |
Number of pregnancies and any history or experience of miscarriages or pregnancy termination |
Number of children |
Desired family size |
Health seeking behavior |
General health service seeking behavior |
Health service seeking behavior regarding family planning/reproductive health |
Knowledge, attitudes, perceptions, and practices about family planning and modern contraceptive methods |
Type of contraceptive methods known including modern contractive methods |
Perceptions about safety/effectiveness of contraceptive methods |
Knowledge, attitudes, perceptions, and practices regarding family planning and contraceptive methods |
Sources of knowledge |
Interpersonal including friends and relatives |
Mass media including radio, TV and cable, and newspaper |
Current contraceptive practices |
Modern contraceptive methods |
The preferred method |
Reasons of use, nonuse, and discontinuation |
Decision-making regarding contraceptive use |
Decision-making dynamics about family planning and spousal communication |
Barriers on family planning and contraceptive use |
Religious barriers |
Lack of knowledge |
Fear of side-effects |
Social stigma and social pressure |
Husband/in-laws' disapproval |
Lack of access |
Lack of affordability |