Table I.
Crystallographic Statistics
Data collection | SeMet WT-EsxB | SeMet WT-EsxB-His6 | WT-EsxB Y65F | WT-EsxB P67A |
Space group | P212121 | P31 | P3121 | P212121 |
Unit cell (Å, °) | a = 33.08, b = 38.39, c = 130.75, α = β = γ = 90 | a = b = 77.34, c = 71.23, α = β = 90, γ = 120 | a = b = 76.22, c = 71.38, α = β = 90, γ = 120 | a = 45.51, b = 96.20, c = 134.37, α = β = γ = 90 |
MW Da (residue) | 10,362 (93)a | 11,040 (98)b | 10,346 (93)a | 10,336 (93)a |
Mol (AU) | 2 | 4 | 2 | 2 |
SeMet (AU) | 2 | 4 | 0 | 0 |
Wavelength(Å) | 0.9793 (peak) | 0.9793 (peak) | 0.9792 | 0.9792 |
Resolution(Å) | 1.44–50 | 1.88–50 | 1.28–50 | 1.52–50 |
Number of unique reflections | 30,476c | 38,708c | 61,931 | 89,122 |
Redundancy | 6.8 (5.0)d | 4.5 (4.0)e | 6.5 (5.2)f | 4.5 (2.5)g |
Completeness (%) | 97.9 (85.2)d | 100.0 (99.9)e | 99.8 (99.9)f | 97.5 (80.4)g |
Rmerge | 0.078 (0.440)d | 0.095 (0.616)e | 0.042 (0.657)f | 0.049 (0.373)g |
I/σ(I) | 46.10 (4.22)d | 18.9 (2.18)e | 40.6 (2.15)f | 36.9 (2.57)g |
Solvent content (%) | 38.0 | 55.5 | 57.4 | 48.1 |
Phasing | ||||
Range (Å) | 1.44–50 | 1.88–50 | 3.00–50h | 3.00–50h |
RCullis (anomalous) | 0.66 | 0.90 | ||
Figure of merit | 0.296 | 0.171 | ||
Figure of merit after DM | 0.787 | 0.869 | ||
Correlation coefficienth | 0.607 | 0.0.322 | ||
Refinement | ||||
Resolution | 1.44–29.0 | 1.88–48.8 | 1.28–33.62 | 1.52–40.60 |
Reflections (work/test) | 28,829/1542 | 36,743/1939 | 58,759/3139 | 84,560/4457 |
Rcrystal/Rfree (%) | 17.9/20.4 | 14.1/16.2 | 16.3/17.4 | 18.1/20.3 |
RMS deviation from ideal geometry; bond length (Å)/angle (°) | 0.006/0.976 | 0.006/0.806 | 0.005/0.969 | 0.005/0.802 |
No. of atoms (protein/HETATM) | 1371/198 | 2504/253 | 1304/161 | 4004/517 |
Mean B value (Å2); (mainchain/sidechain) | 22.80/29.46 | 18.20/24.16 | 16.31/21.95 | 26.07/33.18 |
Ramachandran favored (%)i; Ramachandran outliers (%)i | 100.0; 0.0 | 98.7; 0.0 | 98.8; 0.7 | 100.0; 0.0 |
Rotamer outliers (%)i | 1.4 | 4.3 | 0.7 | 2.5 |
Clashscorei | 6.67 | 12.43 | 3.78 | 7.34 |
PDB deposit | 4J10 | 4IYI | 4J42 | 4J41 |
Including three N-terminal vector-derived residues, SNA.
Including eight C-terminal His-tag residues, AGHHHHHH.
Including Bijvoet pairs.
Last resolution bin, 1.44–1.46 Å.
Last resolution bin, 1.88–1.91 Å.
Last resolution bin, 1.28–1.30 Å.
Last resolution bin, 1.52–1.55 Å.
Molecular replacement.18
Defined by MolProbity.19