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. 2015 Sep 11;19(1):333. doi: 10.1186/s13054-015-1043-1

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics and patient status at randomisation

Baseline variables Intervention (n = 36) Control (n = 38)
Age, years, median 60 59
(1st, 3rd quartile; min–max) (44, 69; 25–85) (43, 72; 27–80)
Sex, male/female 21/15 26/12
Primary diagnosis, number of patients
 Cardiovascular 8 5
 Respiratory 3 9
 Gastrointestinal 14 15
 Renal 0 1
 Trauma 3 1
 Other 8 7
APACHE II score, median 20 23
(1st, 3rd quartile; min–max) (11, 24; 0–31) (17, 26; 0–38)
Charlson comorbidity index, median 1 1
(1st, 3rd quartile; min–max) (0, 2; 0–5) (0, 2; 0–7)
SOFA score for first 24 hours, median 7 8
(1st, 3rd quartile; min–max) (5, 11; 2–16) (5, 9; 1–16)
Time, hours from intubation to start of monitoring, median 4.0 4.9
(1st, 3rd quartile; min–max) (2.1, 6.2; 1.0–12.0) (3.5, 7.7; 0.7– 1.8)
RI at start of intervention period, median 16 18
(1st, 3rd quartile; min–max) (0, 55; 0–100) (0, 42; 0–100)
 Red, n (%) 19 (54.3 %) 20 (54.1 %)
 Amber, n (%) 5 (14.3 %) 8 (21.6 %)
 Green, n (%) 11 (31.4 %) 9 (24.3 %)
 No value, n (%)a 1 (2.8 %) 1 (2.6 %)
RASS score at start of intervention period, median −3 −4
(1st, 3rd quartile; min to max) (−4, −2; −5 to +0) (−4, −3; −5 to +2)
Total alfentanil dose, mg, prior to monitoring, median 1.75 3.00
(1st, 3rd quartile; min–max) (0.75, 5.25; 0.00–14.00) (1.00, 7.50; 0.00–17.50)

aOne patient in each group had a long delay in commencing Responsiveness Index (RI) monitoring by clinical staff after randomisation. These two patients were not given a baseline RI value, and were excluded from the subgroup analysis of patients with RI <20 at baseline, as the value was uncertain at the start of the study. APACHE acute physiology and chronic health evaluation, SOFA sequential organ failure assessment, RASS Richmond agitation-sedation scale