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. 2015 Sep 9;10(2):109–116. doi: 10.1007/s11751-015-0234-2

Table 1.

Demographics of study population

Case Sex Agea Location malunion Dominant hand affected Indication Techniqueb Osteotomy type Follow-up (months)
1 F 64 Distal, extra-articular Yes Pain Cutting guide Opening 32
2 F 53 Distal, extra-articular Yes Pain Simulation Opening 56
3 F 18 Distal, extra-articular No Pain, DRUJ instability Simulation Opening 8
4 M 32 Diaphyseal Yes Restricted supination Cutting guide OSCRO 34
5 F 18 Diaphyseal Yes Restricted pronation Simulation OSCRO 12
6 F 41 Diaphyseal + ulna No Restricted ROM (all directions) Simulation OSCRO 29
7 M 18 Diaphyseal + ulna No Restricted pronation/supination Cutting guide OSCRO 13
8 M 13 Diaphyseal + ulna Yes Restricted supination Cutting guide Opening 23

F female, M male, ROM range of motion, DRUJ distal radioulnar joint, Opening opening-wedge osteotomy, OSCRO oblique single-cut rotation osteotomy

aAge in years at time of surgery

bTechnique consisted of either pre- and intra-operative simulation of the osteotomy using virtual or physical 3D models of both radii sometimes with intra-operative use of a custom-made cutting guide and angled jig