Figure 4.
Prostates exhibiting BPH and cancer have an elevated expression of HA in the stromal ECM relative to normal prostate. Human prostate tissue sections representing normal (n=10 subjects), BPH (n=11 subjects), and prostate cancer (n=9 subjects) were stained with HABP to visualize HA levels (brown color) in the stroma. Images of representative samples show that expression of HA (asterisks) was higher in the BPH (B) and cancerous (Gleason 4) tissues (C) relative to normal prostate tissue (A). Bar graph (D) shows quantitative analysis of the intensity of staining for HA in stromal ECM of normal, BPH, and cancerous (Gleason 4) tissue sections. Values are mean±SEM (*p<0.05, **p<0.005). A–C scale bars=50 µm.