Figure 2.
LTP is suppressed by etomidate in fl–α5 and CA1-pyr-α5–KO mice but not gl–α5–KO mice. A, Etomidate (Etom) suppressed LTP in brain slices from fl–α5 mice. A TBS was delivered at time 0. Control (Ctrl) experiments were performed in drug-free conditions. Etomidate experiments were performed in the continuous presence of etomidate at the indicated concentrations, in brain slices that had been equilibrated with etomidate for at least 1 h before initiating the recording. Data points indicate mean ± SEM. Inset traces show representative fEPSPs recorded before TBS (thick lines) and 60 min after TBS (thin lines). B, Etomidate did not suppress LTP in brain slices from gl–α5–KO mice. C, Etomidate suppressed LTP in brain slices from CA1–pyr–α5–KO mice 8 weeks (gray circles) and 16-weeks-old (gray squares). D, Summary of LTP results. Bars show fEPSP slope (mean ± SEM) during the last 11 min (50–60 min) of recording. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01.