ZIP targets the association of GluR1 or GluR2 with the p62 scaffold.
A, FRET efficiency was measured from COS-7 cells co-expressing mCherry-p62 and GFP-tagged GluR1 (white bars, n = 114), GluR2 (blue bars, n = 167), PKCι (red bars, n = 94), or p62 (brown bars, n = 53), both before and after 5 μm ZIP treatment. Solid bars represent before ZIP treatment, and bars with black slashes indicate FRET efficiency of post-ZIP treatment. The data were analyzed by paired Student's t test: n.s., no significance; ****, p < 0.0001. B, representative fluorescence lifetime images of COS-7 cells expressing the indicated constructs before and after ZIP treatment. Pseudocolor scale indicates GFP lifetime at each pixel.