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. 2015 Jul 19;23(5):311–318. doi: 10.1007/s10389-015-0682-7

Table 1.

Measurement of socio-economic and behavioural factors

Behavioural factors Measure/question
Current daily smoking Do you currently smoke tobacco products daily? Yes is coded 1 and no 0
Hazardous drinking/alcohol consumption During the past 7 days, how many standard drinks of any alcohol did you have each day. Hazardous drinking is defined as 40–59.9 g (4–<6 drinks) of pure alcohol on average per day for men and 20–39.9 g (≥2–<4 drinks) for women. A standard drink contains approximately 10 g of pure alcohol. Three or more drinks per day for both genders has been coded 1 to denote hazardous drinking and 0 otherwise
Lack of physical activity Do you do any activity that involves moderate intensity sports, fitness or recreational activities that cause large increases in breathing or heart rate for at least 10 min? Yes is coded 1 and no 0
Poor vegetable consumption In a typical week, how many days do you eat vegetables? If individuals reported that they did not eat any vegetables on any 1 of the 7 days of a week, then this poor vegetable consumption was given code 1 and 0 otherwise
Obesity Calculated from the body mass index (BMI), defined as the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in metres (kg/m2). The following BMI values were used: <18.50 = underweight; 18.50–24.99 = normal weight; 25–29.99 = overweight; ≤30 obese. Code 1 is given to overweight and obesity while 0 is for underweight and normal weight
Socio-economic factors (i)Sex: male coded 1, female 0
(ii)Age: 25–34 coded 1, 35–44 = 2, 45–54 = 3 and 55–64 = 4
(iii)Education: For education, the following categories were created: (i) primary or less =1 (derived by combining non-formal education, less than primary and primary school completed); (ii) secondary =2 (derived from secondary school completed, junior secondary school completed, senior secondary school completed, high school completed); (iii) tertiary or higher = 3 (derived from tertiary school completed, college/university completed, postgraduate degree)
(iv)Type of employment = government employee coded = 1, non-government employee = 2, self-employed = 3 and unpaid worker = 4