Table 1.
Behavioural factors | Measure/question |
Current daily smoking | Do you currently smoke tobacco products daily? Yes is coded 1 and no 0 |
Hazardous drinking/alcohol consumption | During the past 7 days, how many standard drinks of any alcohol did you have each day. Hazardous drinking is defined as 40–59.9 g (4–<6 drinks) of pure alcohol on average per day for men and 20–39.9 g (≥2–<4 drinks) for women. A standard drink contains approximately 10 g of pure alcohol. Three or more drinks per day for both genders has been coded 1 to denote hazardous drinking and 0 otherwise |
Lack of physical activity | Do you do any activity that involves moderate intensity sports, fitness or recreational activities that cause large increases in breathing or heart rate for at least 10 min? Yes is coded 1 and no 0 |
Poor vegetable consumption | In a typical week, how many days do you eat vegetables? If individuals reported that they did not eat any vegetables on any 1 of the 7 days of a week, then this poor vegetable consumption was given code 1 and 0 otherwise |
Obesity | Calculated from the body mass index (BMI), defined as the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in metres (kg/m2). The following BMI values were used: <18.50 = underweight; 18.50–24.99 = normal weight; 25–29.99 = overweight; ≤30 obese. Code 1 is given to overweight and obesity while 0 is for underweight and normal weight |
Socio-economic factors | (i)Sex: male coded 1, female 0 (ii)Age: 25–34 coded 1, 35–44 = 2, 45–54 = 3 and 55–64 = 4 (iii)Education: For education, the following categories were created: (i) primary or less =1 (derived by combining non-formal education, less than primary and primary school completed); (ii) secondary =2 (derived from secondary school completed, junior secondary school completed, senior secondary school completed, high school completed); (iii) tertiary or higher = 3 (derived from tertiary school completed, college/university completed, postgraduate degree) (iv)Type of employment = government employee coded = 1, non-government employee = 2, self-employed = 3 and unpaid worker = 4 |