Fig. 8.
Top firing rate of one output layer neuron of VisNet, when trained on 8 objects from the Amsterdam Library of Images, with 9 views of each object spaced apart. The firing rates on the training set are shown. The neuron responded to all 9 views of object 4 (a light bulb) and to no views of any other object. The neuron illustrated was chosen to have the highest single cell stimulus-specific information about object 4 that could be decoded from the responses of the neurons to all 72 exemplars shown, as well as a high firing rate to object 4. Middle firing rate of one C2 unit of HMAX when trained on the same set of images. The unit illustrated was that the highest mean firing rate across views to object 4 relative to the firing rates across all stimuli and views. Bottom firing rate of one view-tuned unit (VTU) of HMAX when trained on the same set of images. The unit illustrated was that the highest firing rate to one view of object 4