Disruption of Dmt1 in mouse liver. (A) Schematic depictions of the loxP-flanked (floxed) Dmt1 allele and the allele after Cre recombinase-mediated excision. F1, R1, and R2 indicate forward (F) and reverse (R) primers used for PCR genotyping. Arrowheads denote loxP sites and shaded boxes indicate exons located between positions 10023867 and 10023437 on chromosome 15. (B) PCR analysis of genomic DNA extracted from tissues of mice at 8 weeks of age. (C) Relative Dmt1 mRNA levels in liver, heart, and kidney as determined by using quantitative RT-PCR with Rpl13a as an internal control gene. Values represent mean ± SE, n=3–4, ***P < 0.001. (D) Western blot analysis of DMT1 in crude membrane fractions isolated from livers of Dmt1flox/flox and Dmt1liv/liv mice. All analyses were performed on samples from 8-week-old mice.