E-cadherin extracellular domain interactions were required for quiescence at high density, Yap1 nuclear exclusion, and β-catenin activation following strain. (A) Distribution of Yap1 after 4hrs, Ki67 and β-catenin after 8hrs, and EdU incorporation after 24hrs in control (WT) and T151 MDCK monolayers after no strain or 15% strain. Insets show higher magnification of the region outlined by a dotted line. Quantification of Ki67 (B) and TOPdGFP (E) after 8hrs, EdU (C) after 24hrs, and TBSmCherry (D) after 4hrs in control (WT) and T151 MDCK cell monolayers after no strain or 15% strain. Scale bars: 25 µm. All quantifications (see Supplementary Information) were from least 3 independent experiments with 2 replicate monolayers per experiment (Table S1). Quantifications were mean +/− SEM; unpaired t-test p values < 0.05 (*), p values <0.001 (***).