Figure 1. Expression constructs.
Mouse GnT1IP-L (417 aa) contains an N-terminal cytoplasmic domain of 48 aa, a transmembrane (TM) domain of 21 aa (shaded), and a luminal domain of 348 amino acids. The location of the Myc tag (red) is shown for each construct. Chimeric constructs contained the cytoplasmic and TM domain of MGAT1 (green) linked to the luminal domain of GnT1IP-L (blue), or the cytoplasmic and TM domain of GnT1IP-L linked to the luminal domain of MGAT1, or N-terminal aa 1–47 of human Invariant chain p33 (Iv; beige) linked to aa 45 to 417 of GnT1IP-L. Predicted TM domains are shown in darker colors. Numbers on top of each chimera are aa from the N-terminal domain and underneath are aa from the luminal domain.