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. 2015 Sep 17;197(20):3255–3264. doi: 10.1128/JB.00547-15


Conservation of AcrB residues at mutant and suppressor sites

AcrB homologa/bacterium % amino acid homology to E. coli AcrB E. coli AcrB residue
Y49 V127 D153 G288 F453 L486 F610 F615
AcrB/S. Typhimurium 94.57 Y V D G F L F F
MexB/P. aeruginosa 69.79 Y I D G F L F F
AcrD/E. coli 65.77 Y V D G F M F S
MexD/P. aeruginosa 47.93 Y L T G F L F F
CusA/E. coli 20.45 Y L D G F I F K
DN30_1079/V. cholerae 20.52 Y V Y N F I T K

UniProtKB entries are as follows: Q8ZRA7 (Q8ZRA7_SALTY), P52002 (MEXB_PSEAE), P24177 (ACRD_ECOLI), Q51396 (Q51396_PSEAI), P38054 (CUSA_ECOLI), and A0A085TBP3 (A0A085TBP3_VIBCL).