Table A1. Results of a principal components analysis of the Index of Relative Socioeconomic Disadvantage (IRSD) from the 2006 Australian Bureau of Statistics Socio-economic Index for Areas (SEIFA).
Census variable, %… | Factor loadings |
…Occupied private dwellings with no Internet connection | 0.85 |
…Employed people classified as Labourers | 0.76 |
…People aged 15 years and over with no post-school qualifications | 0.76 |
…People with stated annual household equivalised income between $13,000 and $20,799 (approx. 2nd and 3rd deciles) | 0.76 |
…Households renting from a Government or Community organisation | 0.70 |
…People (in the labour force) unemployed | 0.70 |
…Families that are one parent families with dependent offspring only | 0.67 |
…Households paying rent who pay less than $120 per week (excluding $0 per week) | 0.67 |
…People aged under 70 who have a long-term health condition or disability and need assistance with core activities | 0.61 |
…Occupied private dwellings with no car | 0.57 |
…People who identified themselves as being of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander origin | 0.52 |
…Occupied private dwellings requiring one or more extra bedrooms (based on Canadian National Occupancy Standard) | 0.52 |
…People aged 15 years and over who are separated or divorced | 0.51 |
…Employed people classified as Machinery Operators and Drivers | 0.51 |
…People aged 15 years and over who did not go to school | 0.44 |
…Employed people classified as Low Skill Community and Personal Service Workers | 0.44 |
…People who do not speak English well | 0.33 |
Eigenvalue | 06.62 |
% variance explained | 39.00 |
From: B. Pink (2008). Socioeconomic Indexes for Areas – Technical Paper 2006, Australian Bureau of Statistics.