Figure 2. Maspin expression confers a transient increase of anchorage-independent survival.
(A) Fold increase of the number of Neo (aaa) and M7 ((tm)) cells consecutively passaged in suspension vs the passage number. (B) Phase contrast images of Neo and M7 cells in suspension, at day 12, at two magnifications (Scale = 600 μm). (C) Fold-increase of the total number of Neo ((tm)) and M7 (ρ) cells as well as the number of viable cells of Neo (aaa) and M7 (θ) cells, in suspension at the indicated days. (D) Western blotting analysis of LC3B and PARP in Neo and M7 cells cultured in suspension. GAPDH was used as the loading control. (E) β-galactosidade staining (green) of Neo and M7 cells in suspension, at day 12, after the cells are dispersed with Accumax (Scale = 50 μm). (F) Quantification of the number of SA-β-galactosidade stained Neo and M7 cells in suspension at day 12.