Fig. 1.
Phylogenetic tree of 17-kDa-ompA-gltA-rrs-sca1-ompB concatenated sequence of Rickettsia raoultii in Haemaphysalis erinacei (◆). The tree was constructed on the basis of Maximum Likelihood (Bootstrap replicates: 1000) and Neighbor-Joining (Bootstrap replicates: 500) analyses of concatenated sequence data of six genes (17-kDa-ompA-gltA-rrs-sca1-ompB) using MEGA6. The sequences of R. bellii were used as the outgroup in the concatenated sequence data. The scale bar represents the inferred substitutions per nucleotide site. The relative support for clades in the tree produced from the ML and NJ analyses are indicated above and below branches, respectively