Fig. 3.
Examples of network motifs in pathways. a. Positive feedforward; b. Positive feedback; c. Negative feedforward; d. Negative feedback. S represents stimulus, P1, P2 are proteins in a pathway, and R represents the effector protein. Different types of the directed edges represent activation or inhibition effects between two connected elements. For example, P1 has an activation effect on P2 in Fig. A, while P1 has an inhibition effect on R in Fig. D. The study of Zhang et al. [53] discovered that combinations may be more probably to exhibit synergistic effects when targeting on a negative feedback motif. The study of Yin et al. [54] found antagonistic drug interactions are mostly related with a positive feedback loop. This figure is reproduced from [50], with permission from Elsevier (RightsLink license number: 3687391088768)