Figure 7.
Immunofluorescence analysis of Cdh1-1 and IPNV. IPNV infection of in vitro cultured liver slices was carried out to visualize virus uptake and localization of Cdh1-1. (A) Depth-coded 3D visualization of IPNV in a liver section from a susceptible fish (qq) shows heavily infected hepatocytes (asterisks), several virus particles in early endosomes together with Cdh1-1 and Cltcl1 (arrows, see B and C for colocalization images) and presence of virus throughout the depth of the image stack. (B) Colocalization between IPNV and Cltcl1 (pseudo colored pink) in early endosomes. (C) Colocalization between IPNV and Cdh1-1 in the same early endosomes as shown in B. (D) Depth coded 3D visualization of IPNV in a liver slice from IPNV-resistant salmon (QQ) describe only a few virions on the surface of the tissue slice. (E) In the resistant fish there is no colocalization (pink color) with Cltcl1 (E) or Cdh1-1 (F).